Flats or Spikes allows you to spend your time on the team - not on data entry. Everyone collects data, sharing the work. All data is captured, corrected, and shared on the platform, privately amongst the team without RFID or wearables.
Anyone can collect data easily and accurately using our proprietary timing system. Other runners, spectators added to the team, and coaches can all collect data in real-time.
Assign people on your team to record split times with the simple touch. Eliminate hours of manual data entry and have the data available for a conversation with your runners on the bus ride home!
Running data can be collected within and between seasons to review and drive continual improvement. Track training and meet data beyond what simple mileage counters do.
Discover what works best for your runners and integrate new pacing strategies into training based on advanced analytics. Help your athletes understand what they need to do to
Since data is coming through the platform, results are immediately available for each runner, group, or the whole team depending on what you set up. No more specialized spreadsheets and data entry problems. Data is shared with everyone on the team, automatically!
Proving that the hard work pays off and showing continual improvement for the team while establishing goals and promoting healthy internal competition pushes everyone to be better and